Saturday 2 March 2013

When Two Worlds Collide

I've traveled around Australia at least two or three times... I've been to New Zealand once... I've been on two mission trips - one to India and one to Thailand... I've traveled interstate on and off over the years... I've been away from home quite a lot. BUT, I've always had my families home to come back to. I've always had a plan to return home to the bush I love... 
Until now...

After 18 years of being a missionary kid in a remote community in the Australian outback, I want a change. I need a change.. And I want to be closer to the man I love. That means moving. So now, I am packing up almost 19 years of stuff, to move to a foreign land... (Not really, but close enough) Victoria... Melbourne... The place where they can have every season in one day... Or even a matter of hours. That is going to be my new home.

I am scared out of my wits about this massive move... But I am so unbelievably excited about moving closer to my boyfriend... But I am very sad about leaving my family, the beautiful bush country and all the aboriginal children that are like my own in many ways... But I am so eager to embrace this next stage of my life and discover what God has in store for me... But I am so stressed - packing up your life isn't an easy thing to do... So many mixed feelings.. Sometimes they all threaten to overwhelm me. Thank goodness I have God to help me keep things in perspective. I am looking forward to being over the whole 'moving' stage and be officially MOVED!
I've loved my life out here, serving God with my parents and siblings. It's difficult though - not having people your age... Not having many other Christians around.. Not having a local church and youth group... Etc etc.. I am so looking forward to getting to know other Christian youth in Victoria, get involved in a church with my boyfriend and just have some 'normal' experiences. I'm really going to miss lots of stuff about home though.

Sometimes I worry about how I'll cope... A simple bush girl... Moving into the crazy, fast-paced citified world. 
But I've got God who sustains me every day... And my boyfriend, who supports me in every possible way.
So bring on the big adventure!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11-

I have a boyfriend who loves me just as I am, but somehow still inspires me to be a better person.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33- 

It's an amazing thing you know; to have your bestfriend and the boy you're crazy about, all wrapped up in one incredible package!