Monday 6 May 2013

.........IMPACT !!

So the two worlds have definitely collided... The impact is being felt...

I have been in the City World for over a month now and it's been difficult. Amazing, but difficult. There's been highs and lows, fun and laughter, stress and tears. Life is so different... Sometimes I handle everything okay but other times it just makes me cry.

It's all the little differences that make it hard... Like needing to change the words I use so people know what I'm talking about...
I call it a brush and tray - people say it's a dustpan and brush...
I call them joggers - nup, down here they're runners..
I call them swimmers - oh but here they're called bathers... 
I call it a dish drainer - apparently it's a dish rack... Or something like that..
It might not seem like much, but trying to make sure people know what I'm saying all the time - it gets tiring...
At home, we're amazed if like 5 cars go past our community in one day... Now everywhere I go there's hundreds of cars on every side.. And the people! Ohmygosh there's so many people - all around me.. So much talking.. So much rush and hustle and bustle and busyness... And gee, I can just take a casual 5-10 minute walk down to the shops if I need to.. Seriously!? Shops are like 5 hours away normally! And the weather - cold one day.. Hot the next... Sunny one second.. Raining all of a sudden.. I've adjusted well - I'm pleased about that. I handle the cold days relatively well and don't need to pile on the clothes like people expect a bush girl to... The hustle and bustle doesn't bother me TOO much.. Apart from the days when I just want to get a loudspeaker and announce "Hey everyone.. Slow down.. Take a chill pill.. Look around.. Smell the fresh air... Tell your family and friends you love them... Give a massive cuddle to the person you love... Smile when you pass people in the street... Life is too short to waste it rushing around tiring yourself out..." etc...

I have a car!! My own car - wow... It still mind boggles me...
I have a job! For around a month I was struggling with applying for nannying positions and not receiving any reply. But God reminded me of a friend who had offered to help me find work, so I got in contact with her... A few days later she gave me work at her house. So I am a housekeeper 3 days a week - at this point in time. On the two other days I'm helping out a lovely friend who is busy homeschooling her 5 youngest children. I'm working with her two youngest boys. I'm really loving it because I miss teaching. 
My boyfriend is doing EDFL umpiring so he umpires a game on Saturdays. Then on Sundays, we go to church and spend the day with my boyfriend's friend's family.
So my weeks are pretty much planned out which is a bit tiring for me, but it's good.

My boyfriend has been a constant support for me.. We've had our own days where we've needed to discuss issues and sort out some misunderstandings and all, but at all times he's there for me. His love continues to amaze me. No longer being in a long distance relationship - it's inexplainable.. Being able to see him every day still doesn't feel real. I don't know when I'll be able to make myself believe that this time I'm here for good... I don't have to leave.. We don't have to be apart again. It's just too amazing for my brain to understand and accept...

So the collision is over... The effects are still being felt, but I'm recovering... I'm sure it will continue to be a struggle at times, but then life normally is. God's giving me strength and my boyfriend continually helps me, so I'll get through.

Matthew 6:25-27: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Saturday 2 March 2013

When Two Worlds Collide

I've traveled around Australia at least two or three times... I've been to New Zealand once... I've been on two mission trips - one to India and one to Thailand... I've traveled interstate on and off over the years... I've been away from home quite a lot. BUT, I've always had my families home to come back to. I've always had a plan to return home to the bush I love... 
Until now...

After 18 years of being a missionary kid in a remote community in the Australian outback, I want a change. I need a change.. And I want to be closer to the man I love. That means moving. So now, I am packing up almost 19 years of stuff, to move to a foreign land... (Not really, but close enough) Victoria... Melbourne... The place where they can have every season in one day... Or even a matter of hours. That is going to be my new home.

I am scared out of my wits about this massive move... But I am so unbelievably excited about moving closer to my boyfriend... But I am very sad about leaving my family, the beautiful bush country and all the aboriginal children that are like my own in many ways... But I am so eager to embrace this next stage of my life and discover what God has in store for me... But I am so stressed - packing up your life isn't an easy thing to do... So many mixed feelings.. Sometimes they all threaten to overwhelm me. Thank goodness I have God to help me keep things in perspective. I am looking forward to being over the whole 'moving' stage and be officially MOVED!
I've loved my life out here, serving God with my parents and siblings. It's difficult though - not having people your age... Not having many other Christians around.. Not having a local church and youth group... Etc etc.. I am so looking forward to getting to know other Christian youth in Victoria, get involved in a church with my boyfriend and just have some 'normal' experiences. I'm really going to miss lots of stuff about home though.

Sometimes I worry about how I'll cope... A simple bush girl... Moving into the crazy, fast-paced citified world. 
But I've got God who sustains me every day... And my boyfriend, who supports me in every possible way.
So bring on the big adventure!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11-

I have a boyfriend who loves me just as I am, but somehow still inspires me to be a better person.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
-John 16:33- 

It's an amazing thing you know; to have your bestfriend and the boy you're crazy about, all wrapped up in one incredible package!